On our last night in Jamaica we attended a corporate charity cocktail hour on the beach followed by an awards dinner. Several attendees commented that they had seen us getting a massage "Was that your ass?"
A huge tent was placed on the beach and lit with mini lights and torches. I was so sunburned the heat in the tent sent me back to the room. I stripped naked and watched one of the Matrix sequels. I don't know which one I saw because it started to look like the first one. Neo fought for peace blind but still able to see the light and the Oracle met up with the machine in the last sequence on a sunny day. I still have to look it up on Wikipedia to figure out what really happened.
I ordered room service and packed for our early departure the next morning. I said goodbye to the naked men at the pool and took once last swim in the pool. Jamaica was great and I'd go back in a minute. Yeah mon!!!!